11 February 2012

Time to Fight Drugs

The incident killed nine people hit by a vehicle driven by a suspected drug addict in jakarta some time ago had attracted public attention. Many people who threw various comments, blasphemy, cursing, insults and even the perpetrators. Every seemed to put the blame on one person, namely the driver. The driver is considered to be the only person responsible for the incident. Almoust all the media exposure that essentially perform cornering the perpetrator for his actions. Well, I'm not interested in discussing who is wrong and who is right. Let the legal process to prove it.

I would like to explore a little about the dynamics of behavior and drugs and the role and contribution we as a society for the incident. I'm pretty sure there are mani other potential addicts cause misery for others. This event again proved that the drug is no longer a problem related to the welfare of other. If initially disturbed the family of addicts, the public is now beginning to feel its effects.

Effects of Drug Hazards

Many definitions of drugs, one drug is any substance that affects the way the work, thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and volition (Colondam, 2007). Drug abuse can give a dramatic effect on person. In Law. 22 of 2007 on the effects of narcotics are added on the cause dependence (addiction). Some research (Goldstein, and Volkow, 2002, Daglish et.al, 2003, Brody et.al, 2004,Myrick et.al, 2004, Wang et.al, 2007) shows one part of the brain affected is the prefrontal cortex of drug effects. This section play a important role in the behavior associated with the planning, evaluation of the consequences of an action, as well as the ability to refrain from displaying inappropriate responses. The simple language of logical thinking function is not optimal.

Strong influence of drugs on the brain that ultimately affect behavior and negatively impact others. we've heard addicts who lie and steal to satisfy his needs. So, drugs are not only a personal issue (this is my own body anyway,this is also my own money anyway, why not?), example, parents, friends, even strangers.

One does not necessarily become an addict. They will go trhough a series of processes before it reaches the level of dependence (Colondam, 2008). First, it was the level of trial an error. Second, the level of regular users. Data show that one in five , or about 22 percent of people who previously only dabbled in, then the next will continue to be fixed if the user has reached the level of dependence. The third level is a marked increase in the consumption of addictive drugs, and accompanied by a loss of self-control manual. Behaviors such as lying, stealing, rude aggressive, and likely criminal is very likely arise because of the extreme emotional instability. Overdoses often occur in this phase.

For drug addicts, it's never fully recovered. The brain demage that ocurs according to many experts is that the demage is permanent. Therefore, if one can escape from the bondage of drugs, it is more correct to say have been recovered, not cured. With these facts, we still silent?

Role of the Community to Fight Drugs

Drug abuse prevention education is a long process and requires persistence and consistency is remarkable. What is done by many institutions will not provide significant results if there is no community support. Community can play an active role in the process of mutual support with the existing institutions, ranging from the smallest sphere information about drug prevention, to tell a family member, friend, or next of kin. Do also the friendly supervision of family members. Create a all family members always miss each other.

We can also contribute to the reported drug abuse in our place, or care for the safety and environmental hygiene of the drug. And there is still much we do actually, and elements of will important role. The future of this nation is in the hands of future generations. To save them, we save this nation, stop blaspheming, let's be done!.
Observers of the drug problem and personal experience.

09 February 2012

Website Vulnerabilities Found

A 15-year-old teenager named Cim Stordal from Norway has managed to find vulnerabilities in website and software owned by facebook, google, apple and microsoft. This teen has a hobby of tinkering with HTML and managed to find security holes in four giant companies.But it is not used for activities that harm, but just the opposite, namely to remind the company further improve the security of the site.

The findings were brought into the google Stordal Security Hall of Fame, as ell as the White Hats' Facebook Security, and believed to be the Apple of the reporting of potential safety issues, while also being selected as Stordal microsoft security researcher.

Facebook of White Hat, Stordal get a card visa elite White Hat filled with money of 500 dollars. Stordal also get a card self-persistent XSS (Cross-site scripting flaw) of facebook and non-persistent XSS of Google, Microsoft and also from Apple.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerabilities that have been found in web applications. XSS allows hackers to inject scripts that are already available.

Stordal start looking for vulnerabilities in software at the age of 14 years and has mastered programming in C++. He wanted to do something new and examining the knowledge base. One day he wanted to be a vulnerability researcher software used by millions of people worldwide.

Stordal are high school students who spend time after school to play video game Team Fortress with his friends. He also worked part-time fish shop in Bergen.

"I just tried to log into a site and try to insert HTML code into your web site and there's no filter of the source code is available. I find facebook security holes four days, in google within 3 days, the apple in just 5 minutes. Stordal said.

Although it has been credited with Stordak activity was not approved by both parents to always be in front of the computer. "They do no like me continue to be in front of the computer, because they not know what I'm doing. He said.

06 February 2012

Prevent Infectious Diseases

One of a number of successful contraception is the condom. Because it canm also serve as a deterrent possibility of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. From the historical revcord of condoms have been used since several hundred diease. Around 1000 BC the ancient Egyptians used linen as safety gloves to prevent disease. In the year 100 to 200 AD, the earliest evidence of condom use in Europe comes from the cave paintings of scenery Combrelles, France. The 1500's for the first published description and experimental tools in the form of condoms to prevent disease in Italy. When it claims to find Gabrielle Fallopius sheath made of linen and were tested in 1100 as the male condom.
Of the experiment was not one of them infected with syphillis disease. Discovery proves that the linen cloth useful to prevent infection. But the future is known as a condom to prevent pregnancy. It starts from some experiments on linen cloth moistened with a liquid chemical in the 1500s. When the linen soaked in chemicals and the dried and subjected him the cloth can kill sperm.

In the 1700s, condoms made form animal intestines. Material changes that make the price of condoms to more expensive compared to condoms made from linen. When a condoms is known as an armor against pleasure and cobweb prevent infection. Condom type was used over and over.
1984, Goodyear and Hancock began to mass-produce condoms made of rubber vulcanised to rugged rubber turned into a strong elastic. Year 1861 for the first time condoms were published in the United States in the newspapers the New York Tims. in 1935 over 1.5 million condoms are produced every day in the United States. Then in the 1980s and 1990s the condom market in the United States dominated the local condom factoy. The new Japanese production in 1987 with a brand of condoms Kimono entered the American Market. Condoms are thinner and softer ad also emphasized that the pleasure is as important as prevention.
Emerged in 1990s and also various types of condoms available to first polyurethane condom. In 1993 annual production reached 8.5 million latex condoms billion. More than 150,000 people worldwide took part in the largest online survey that explores the sexual behavior and attitudes around the world. Research results reveal that peopole have sex on average 127 times a year and that nearly three-quarters of all the parts. Eastern European people are the most sexually active with the Hungarian nation, Bulgaria and Russia reached 150 per year.
While the Americans were far below the world average in terms of frequency of sexual relations, U.S. remains one of the sexiest nation in the world, with second place after Brazli. Forty-five-percent of all respondents had experienced sexual intercourse is really only for one night, whila the virtual sex over the phone, text or email is clearly a phenomenon that has long been developed. However, this new technology still can not replace classical approaches such as sexy lingerie, and other. from various sources.

01 February 2012

Reversed Hazard Tempting Offer

If you can not eat it (because of poisonous), why would you put on the skin?

Body shield

The skin is the body armor is always ready to protect the body from the sun, harmful substances and a less favorable external environment. But without us knowing it, we always condition "body shield" in a disadvantageous position. Initially we want to beautify and protect the skin, but what we give is hazardous or even toxic to our skin.

Many of the ads, models and other propaganda of skin care products that offer beauty and the beauty of the skin, make us tempted to use the product. Especially with very competitive prices so as to make people compete to try the product. Whereas many hidden dangers tempting offer.


According to research by the University of Washington reported that al synthetic materials / chemicals used, releasing at least one carcinogen (cancer causing substance) by EPA into the category of hazardous or toxic. Unfortunately, the product label does not list these toxic materials on the consumer, or on the pretext of levels used is safe for health. But if the levels are then accumulated in the body? Can imagine that will be suffered health problems.

Real Natural Beauty

By using all natural skin care we can make the "body armor" to function as they should, to avoid skin problems, and we really will get a naturally beautiful and true.
Use of natural products currently too many echoed, even skin care using natural ingredients directly, such as yam, cucumber, egg, honey, and so on. But needs to be understood, although it is a natural ingredient from nature directly, the current environmental conditions is not as it once was. Much care product that are natural as well, but the price was to be exorbitant.

Germanium Privilege

How germanium Ge32 beneficial to health and your skin?

Less than 30 years of age, your body will easily burn fat. But after more than 30 years, our bodies are more difficult to burn fat.

Germanium is a gray crystal shaped like a diamond crystal. Germanium allows anion (negative ion) up quickly into the skin and is absorbed by the body. Because of its semi conductors, Germanium role is to improve the work and the lifetime of the skin. If if the germanium ions are absorbed into the body, he will relate with and removing hazardous materials from your body within 20-30 hours, so Germanium harmless and without side effects.

Germanium is not dangerous and tapa side effects

Ge32 Germanium is known as semi-conductor elements. When the temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius, he issued an anion (negative ion) working on the human body as a bio-electric. Germanium increases oxygen in the body, eliminating harmful toxins, activate the body's metabolism, burn calories, improve blood circulation, relax muscles and prevent skin diseases.

How Germanium increase the amount of oxygen in the human body?

Germanium catalyze hydrogen (dehydrogenation), so maintaining the oxygen ions are not oxidized, therefore there is an increase in more oxygen in our bodies. This indirectly encourages the activation of metabolic functions in the cells of our body.

Germanium causes the molecules arranged regular blood and smooth blood circulation. Using a microscope, would look like a particle of blood cells whose main function is to transport oxygen and nutrients to 60-80 trillion cells in the human body. When the clotted blood cells in these groups, the capillary blood flow capacity will be blocked which can cause a very big obstacle, then the health condition became worse, and will get worse if the condition is not corrected for the long term.

Liberation of far infrared rays (FIR) by the germanium will make the clotted blood cells into mutual releases and regular, so that blood circulation becomes more smoothly. Thus, this improves nutrient absorption, metabolism and exchange of substances in the blood cells that make better health naturally.
(Building people enhacing lives).

29 January 2012

Atasi Penuaan Kulit dengan Kosmetik

Bermacam cara dan saran untuk mengatasi penuaan dini pada kulit, salah satunya dengan menggunakan kosemetik. Namun apakah cara ini aman??

Kosemetik sepertinya memang salah satu cara untuk merawat dan mencegah terjadinya penuaan pada kulit terutama kulit wajah. Terapi yang mengandalkan kecanggihan teknologi ini berkembang pesat seiring munculnya berbagai merek yang ditawarkan dipasaran dengan label kualitas produk diantaranya mengencangkan kulit, meremajakan kulit, menghilangkan kerutan atau garis halus dan lain sebagainya.

Menurut pakar estetika dan arus mikro Dr. Tat-Chee Tam yang berbasis di Hongkong dan Kanada menjelaskan bahwa : Tanda-tanda penuaan dini pada kulit terutama wajah bisa muncul lebih cepat dari seharusnya, yang mengakibatkan usia kulit terlihat lebih tua dari seharusnya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya stres, gaya hidup tidak sehat, alkohol, merokok, dan sebagainya. Penuaan dini pada kulit wajah dapat dicegah dengan perawatan yang tepat, karena tidak ada batasan usia, kapan pun kita harus memulai perawatan kulit wajah untuk mencegah terjadinya penuaan dini.

Puluhan produk kosmetik melawan penuaan dini tersedia di pasaran. Cream aging dan berbagai paket perawatan kulit harian diklaim bisa melawn penuaan dini, padalah menurut Dr. Tat-Chee Tam mengatakan bahwa produk-produk kosmetik adalah diperlukan sebagai proteksi saja. Untuk mengetahui penuaan dini lebih efektif dengan terapi. Produk skin care dibutuhkan untuk proteksi, bukan untuk mengatasi terjadinya penuaan dini tersebut.

Hal tersebut dikarenakan skin care yang digunakan penetrasinya tidak sampai kedalam kulit untuk mengatasi proses penuaan dini, walaupun skin care penetrasinya ke dalam kulit, justru hal ini akan merusak kulit. Hal ini di karenakan bahwa hanya air sajalah satu-satunya zat yang dapat meresap baik kedalam kulit. Artinya, efek kosmetik terhadap penuaan dini tidak terlalu efektif, hal in berbeda dengan cara terapi.

Menurut Dr. Tat-Chee Tam "Terapi penuaan dini dengan mengandalkan mesin dan teknologi, mengaplikasikan model pijatan wajah, mampu mengatasi masalah penuaan dini".

mudah-mudahan bermanfaat..!!

26 January 2012

Menu Hot Stamina Kaum Pria

Sebagai kepala rumah tangga dan sekaligus sebagai pencari nafkah keluarga seorang pria dituntut memiliki stamina yang super, dalam artian sehat dan kuat. Selain nafkah utama keluarga juga untuk tugas lain dalam hal memenuhi kebutuhan biologis sang istri. Istilah umumnya "Siang cari nafkah, malam mendapat berkah". Hal tersebut tentu bisa membuat seorang pria rentan jatuh sakit kalau kesehatannya tidak dijaga dengan asupan nutrisi tinggi yang cukup berkualitas.

Disini ada beberapa menu hot yang dapat mendongkrak stamina seorang pria agar tetap terjaga kualitas energi tubuhnya.

Daging merah tanpa lemak

Daging merah adalah salah satu makanan bergizi yang tidak berlemak dan tak berkolesterol jahat. Daging merah baik untuk kaum pria karena mengandung leucine yang merupakan asam amino pembentuk otot.

Bolu Ceri

Buah ini memiliki pigmen yang bisa meniru kerja obat anti peradangan secara alami tanpa efek samping. Sepotong bolu ceri dapat membantu otot-otot terhindar dari peradangan atau cidera saat kita sedang berolahraga, selain itu dapat membuat suasana lebih romantis jika disajikan pada waktu privasi anda.


Cokelat bukan hanya makanan kesukaan para wanita, namun pria juga ternyata juga membutuhkan cokelat untuk menyelamatkan mereka dari ejakulasi dini. Manfaat cokelat yaitu mengikis kolesterol jahat pada aliran darah sehingga bisa lebih lancar. Karena salah satu penyebab ejakulasi dini adalah terjadinya hambatan pada pembuluh darah. Selain itu cokelat juga dapat memicu hormon cinta yang mempengaruhi kualitas hubungan seksual kita.


Kandungan daging kerang kaya akan zinc yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan jantung, otot, dan sistem reproduksi. Penelitian membuktikan bahwa seorang pria dengan kualitas buruk biasanya ditandai dengan kurangnya zinc dalam tubuh. Jika seorang pria memiliki alergi seafood atau tidak suka seafood, maka kacang-kacangan adalah sebagai pengganti yang paling tepat untuk tetap mendapatkan pasokan zinc dalam tubuh kita.


Kandungan avokad memiliki kadar lemak yang tinggi, namun jangan langsung memvonis avokad, karena lemaknya adalah lemak baik. Lemak tak jenuh yang terkandung didalamnya dapat mengikis lemak trans yang kita konsumsi dari makanan yang digoreng. Tetapi perlu diingat dalam mengkonsumsi avokad tidak boleh lebih dari 25-30%dari total lemak per harinya.

Lemak Ikan

Ikan salmon dan tuna adalah ikan yang memiliki lemak yang menyehatkan bagi tubuh. Karena didalamnya terdapat kandungan Omega-3 yang dapat melindungi jantung dan menyelamatkan kita dari penyakit kanker serta arthritis. Mengkonsumsi ikan salmon dan tuna dalam satu minggu sekali bisa menekan terjadinya serangan jantung.


Tidak jauh berbeda dengan buah ceri, jahe memiliki khasiat sebagai anti peradangan. Dengan mengkonsumsi jahe secara reguler dapat mengurangi cidera otot pasca olahraga.

Susu dan Yogurt

Keduanya adalah makanan yang dapat membantu tubuh menimbun leucine, asam amino pembentuk otot. Selain itu terdapat protein potasium dan bakteri yang baik yang dapat membuat usus tetap sehat.


Buah pisang banyak mengandung potasium yang berguna untuk membentuk kontraksi otot dan kesehatan tulang, selain itu kandungan potasium dalam buah pisang dapat menekan kadar sodium dalam darah, sehingga sangat bagus bagi yang menderita tekanan darah tinggi.

Sayuran "Oranye"

"Adalah lambang beta karotin, lutein, dan vitamin C (zat warna tumbuhan) yang kesemuanya dapat membantu seorang pria terhindar dari resiko kanker prostat, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.. Oranye adalah wortel, labu, paprika".
Sumber:(Prevention Indonesia)

24 January 2012

Overcome Aging Skin with Cosmetics

Variety of ways and suggestions to overcome the premature aging of the skin,one of them by using cosmetics. But is this way safe?

Kosemetik seemed indeed one way to treat and prevent aging of the skin, especially facial skin. Therapies that rely on the sophistication of the technology is evolving rapidly as the emergence of a variety of brands that offer quality products to market with a label such as tightening the skin, rejuvenate skin, remove wrinkles or fine lines and so forth.

According to experts, the aesthetics and flow of micro-Dr. Tat-Chee Tam, based in Hong Kong and Canada explained that: The signs of premature aging of the skin especially the face can appear faster than it should, resulting in skin age look older than it should. This is caused by several factors, including stress, unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol, smoking, and so forth. Premature aging of facial skin can be prevented with proper care, because there is no age limit, whenever we have to start a skin care to prevent premature aging.

Dozens against premature aging cosmetic products on the market. Aging cream and a variety of daily skin care package is claimed to melawn premature aging, according to Dr padalah. Tat-Chee Tam said that cosmetic products are required for protection only. To find out more effectively with premature aging therapy. Skin care products are needed for protection, not to address the occurrence of premature aging.

This is because skin care is not used to its penetration into the skin to cope with the aging process, although skin care penetration into the skin, this will actually damage the skin. This is because that just water alone is the only substance that can penetrate into the skin. That is, the cosmetic effects of aging is not very effective, it is different in a therapeutic way.

According to Dr. Tat-Chee Tam "aging therapy by relying on machines and technology, applying facial massage model, able to overcome the problem of premature aging."

hopefully useful ..!
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